
Do YOU want to change the world?

Time of publication: 2 years ago

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Do YOU want to change the world?

Did you know that the global fertility services market is predicted to be worth more than 36 BILLION USD in 2028?

According to Bloomberg, the market increase rapidly because of:

1. public health problems – common diseases like obesity or arrhythmia influence the fertility,
2. innovation in IVF technologies like embryoscopes and capsule IVFs,
3. wide adoption of digital devices for health monitoring.

And MIM Solutions is in the epicentre of this!

As you can listen to in our video, we are building game changing technologies for healthcare to help patients who struggle with fertility problems. And we’re looking for a visionary investor to support us scientifically and financially.

Our portfolio of awarded products include:

FOLLISCAN – an AI tool that helps medical experts in automated analysis of women’s ovarian reserve from ultrasound examination. It reduces the time necessary to interpret the scan by incorporating deep learning and explainable AI methods, all in a safe and interpretable way.
EMBRYOAID – an AI tool for identification of highest quality embryos to be transferred during IVF procedure. Using a large number of time-lapse images of human embryos, the AI system reduces the cost and time of the IVF procedure while simultaneously increasing its effectiveness.

Are YOU the person we’re looking for? If yes, contact Ula Sankowska and see how we can revolutionize med-tech together.

Special thanks to SoDA – Software Development Association Poland for allowing Ula to share our message across the world!


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