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MIM Fertility Featured on Tech4Eva: AI Assisting Parenthood

Time of publication: 1 year ago

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MIM Fertility Featured on Tech4Eva: AI Assisting Parenthood

We are excited to share that MIM Fertility has been featured in a comprehensive article on Tech4Eva, a platform dedicated to promoting innovative solutions in the field of women’s health. The article, titled “MIM Fertility: When AI Helps You Become a Parent”, delves into the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in assisted reproduction, particularly in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures.

Our Co-CEO, Ula Sankowska, and her team have been working tirelessly to develop globally marketed technologies to address infertility, an issue affecting 1 in 6 individuals worldwide. The article highlights how MIM Fertility has successfully incorporated AI into various aspects of the IVF process, providing personalized patient care and improving overall outcomes.

The article also discusses our two innovative software tools, EMBRYOAID and FOLLISCAN. EMBRYOAID assists embryologists in selecting the most viable embryos for implantation, while FOLLISCAN is an AI/ML platform designed to identify and measure follicles during ultrasound scans. These tools are revolutionizing fertility treatments, making the IVF process more efficient, and helping individuals achieve their dream of becoming parents.

We are proud to be part of the Tech4Eva program, which provides us with mentorship and networking opportunities. As we continue to grow and expand, we remain committed to fostering meaningful connections and partnerships, and we are grateful for the support and recognition from platforms like Tech4Eva.

We invite you to read the full article here and join us in our mission to transform lives through AI-powered fertility solutions.

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